Artist Statement
My interest in abstraction lies in the expression or representation of something that is abstract in nature through the action of the body on the surface. My focus in painting is on the creation, observation and expression of a sensorial-emotional and conceptual experience created through painting, not on the creation of an aesthetic image itself. The works thus become representations of situations, thoughts and experiences of an abstract nature.
One of the central points in my artistic practice is the exploration of the materiality of paint, from liquid to pasty, and its application to a surface. Through the creation of layers, the putting and taking, building and undoing of paint on the canvas, I talk about the impermanence and fluidity of things.
I'm interested in the concept of form as a fluid thing related to the bodily awareness of a certain space at a certain moment in time, like an organism in constant change.
The gestural actions and pictorial situations go beyond the surface of the canvases, giving them a spatial-sculptural character.
My process is intuitively directed, taking as a reference the concept described by Deleuze of 'intuition as method'. I study a theme through the emotional body, observing how the body moves and what moves inside it and then exploring the determinants such as choosing colors and directing the body to come into contact with the canvas and paint. I am interested in the connection and expression of the spirit in this act.
+1988, Brazil
Lives and works in Amsterdam, NL
2019 - 2020 M.A. Approaching Language
Sandberg Institute - Gerrit Rietveld Academy, NL
2009 - 2013 B.A. Product Design Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR, BR
2020 Scambio Residency, Mergozzo, IT
2017 W119 Art space, Dordrecht, NL
2014 Centre of Creative Arts and Media (CCAM), Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology - Galway, IR
2013 3º Surface Design Salon of Santa Maria - Rio Grande do Sul, BR - finalist
‘AQUARIUM’, Amsterdam, 2023 [Self-Published] Photo-Poetry book, 20 x 29 cm, 36 pages (upcoming)
2024 In the Field of Color, The Hox Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
2022 Petit Formats - Group Show, Montpellier, FR
2022 Exposition Inaugurale - Galerie Bounchind’Homme, Montpellier, FR
2017 Fôlego, Piscina-art, São Paulo - BR
2015 Kust Salon Salzburg, Trajceski Gallery, Salzburg - AT
2015 Mostra 105, Espaço 105, Curitiba - BR
2014 Summer Residency Show & Tell, 126 Gallery, Galway - IR
2013 3º Salão de Design de Superfície de Santa Maria (finalist), Santa Maria - BR
2013 Tangências, SCHLA - UFPR, Curitiba - BR
2013 ONIE, Graduation show, UFPR, Curitiba - BR

Galerie Bouchind’homme
5 Rue Léonard de Vinci, 34000 Montpellier, França
06 63 13 27 10